Thursday, October 26, 2017

Protecting Our Monsters

Protecting Our Monsters

Trick or Treating is a fun thing that every kid wants to be able to do. But what about kids with special needs? The kid who is diabetic, or autistic, or has food allergies. What about these kids? Halloween trick or treating can become more stressful for them and their parents. Kids with sensory issues have a hard time with costumes or certain textures. Some kids don’t do well in big crowds. So how do we help these kids?

Have you seen the teal pumpkin? What does it mean? Well, it means that house or person has treats that are safe for kids with special needs. Look for these houses to take your little princesses and cowboys to for goodies and things just for them.

Also, as someone handing out treats remember these kiddos and pick things like pretzels, or some other healthy alternatives, or some fun little toys or pencils. This helps cut down on the amount of sweets kids get but they still have fun getting treats and fun stuff. Also, remember some kiddos my be afraid of people in masks. Just be careful how much you scare!

To help young kids or kids who struggle with big crowds, check into see what events are available in your area. Many places do a “trunk or treat.” What is “trunk or treat?” Well, cars line up in a parking lot and the kids and go around the parking lot to collect goodies from people who have been screened and approved by the organization who is hosting. This is also a place where you can go inside and get warm and probably find a snack and a rest room.

To the generous people handing out goodies to our little costumed friends please be aware that not all kids speak well or are able to communicate as “normal” kids. They aren’t being rude it is just who they are. Please to do not take offence and not treat because of this. Kids are kids and they just want to have fun.

General safety rules of course are wear bright clothes, so you can be seen. Hold hands and walk together in busy places. Do not trick or treat alone, make sure you have an adult with you. Go to houses you know. Have an adult check your treats to make sure they are safe before eating them.

Be aware of extra police helping to keep kiddos safe as they walk around town. And if you’re lucky maybe that officer has candy too! Help keep those cute little monsters safe, when driving watch for little ones who may try to sneak between cars or out of the grip of an adult. Be patient with kids as they are kids and are excited, so they may not be watching for you.

The bottom line, have fun, and be safe so all of those cute costumed kiddos come home safe!

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