Thursday, July 6, 2017

Be Your "Selfie"

Be Your “Selfie”

Teen girls struggle with who they are and who they are created to be. They compare themselves to others around them. They want to be “liked.” They want to be “popular.” But, according to who? To your peers? To your friends? To society? Of course, we all want to fit in somewhere, but what is the cost? Do girls need to sell out and be something they are not?

First, I want all girls out there young and not so young to know that you have a Heavenly Father who loves you more than you can imagine! You were created in HIS image! And because God made you in His image, you are not junk! You were created to have a purpose and to be beautiful just the way you are, inside and out!

God does not care that you wear the latest fashion or have an expensive purse. What He cares about is your heart. He wants you to be beautiful on the inside. It does not matter to God if you are a “girley girl,” a “tom boy,” or a “Princess.” To Him you are all princesses!

So, what does this all mean? Well, you are God’s daughter. You are the daughter of a King, so act like it! Look at yourself and decide to love yourself for who you are flaws and all. We all have flaws, no one is perfect. 

Second, do not look down on someone else! God would NEVER do that to you so don’t you dare do it to someone else! No matter how tough you think you are or how tough you think someone else is, do not treat them like less them one of God’s children! Because that is exactly what they are!

Third, your job as a daughter to the King is to love others. Will this always be easy, no! People are human and they are broken. They will most likely hurt you at some point. The key is to not let it get you down. Look up and focus on what God wants from you. 

Girls know how to be mean to each other. They fight different than boys in most cases. They gossip, lie, and do other hurtful things. As a daughter of the King try not to get yourself into situations where you are tempted to do these things to other girls. Even when a girl may have done something to you first. You need to guard your heart and mind from this behavior. Will it be hard, absolutely!

You also need to be on guard for girls who try to do these things to you as well. Be aware of who these girls are and most likely stay clear of them. These girls could end up causing more hurt and pain. They are not worth trying to be friends with even if they are part of the “popular” group. Remember God is the one you need your approval from not others around you.

Learn to love yourself so you can love others. Be your “selfie!” Look at yourself and others the way God does. With nothing but unconditional love!

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