Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Dear Moms..Take a Break, It's OK!

Dear Moms…Take a Break, It’s OK!

Learn to take a break! Yes, that’s right, you heard what I said. Take time for YOU! Take care of YOU! Yes, your kids need you. They need things from you, but you need you too. I know this is easier said than done, especially single moms. And I know that when you try to plan this for yourself something ALWAYS happens. Learn to take a break for yourself and not feel guilty.

Why should you? Well, you are a caregiver. Caregivers need a break too. If care givers don’t get breaks they will not be able to care for others for very long. Your job very ends! You are on call 24/7. How do you balance work and home? How do you care for your kids and your family? One step at a time. But, sometimes you need to take a break.

How do I take a break? Well, talk with your husband, or support network. Try to schedule time for yourself. Make a plan, and stick to it. What do you do? Well, take a nap, soak in the tub, run errands by yourself. Do something for YOURSELF! Even if it is a few minutes in your day. The dishes can wait. Your kids twenty years from now are not going to say, “Man, my mom could really clean those dishes!” No, they are going to remember the time you spent with them! And they you took care of you. Your kids will notice!

If you can get into the routine of taking care of yourself you will feel so much better as a person, a mother, a wife, an employee, a daughter. You are trying to juggle so many things at once that if you don’t set a few things down for a little bit you will be overwhelmed, overworked, and stressed out! And “when momma ain’t happy, no one happy!”

Also, learn your limits. Learn to say no! It is okay to say no to someone or something and not feel bad about it. Set your priorities and stick to them. What is important to you? Your kids, family, job, God? Stick to those things and everything else will fall into place.  You do not have to be super mom! That doesn’t exist! No one is perfect! Not even moms!

Learn to take time for yourself and not only will you feel better, but so will your kids and your family! Talk with your other mom friends to set up a way that you can help each other out and be supports for each other, both physically and emotionally. No mom can do this job alone! Get yourself some mom friends and stick together!

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