Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The New Kid on the Block

The New Kid on the Block


Is your child starting at a new school? Are they the new kid? You always hear horror stories of the new kid’s first day of school. They have no one to sit with at lunch. They do not know anyone. They have no one to play with at recess. Maybe they get picked on because they wear the wrong thing.

These things can cause great stress on you and your child. As a parent, you want your child to succeed. You want your child to fit in and have good friends. These things come to mind as your child goes into their new school for the first time.

To help with this transition you may suggest to your child, find a friendly face. Be friendly and courageous. These things help, but it takes lots of courage to be the new kid. As the new kid, you look at a sea of faces none of which are familiar. If you are lucky there may be one or two kids you know, but it can be hard to fit in right away. No matter what, it can be very scary to go to a school where you don’t know anyone.

Your child will make it through the day. Things will be okay. They will make friends. As a parent, be there listen to your child. Help the figure out ways to make friends and do well in their school. Meet with their new teacher. Get to know some of the other parents in your child’s class. Allow your child to be in after school activities to help meet new friends.

If your child is transitioning from being homeschooled to public school many of the same things apply. Hopefully your child will know some of the kids in their school from things like church or youth group or some other non-school activity. This will help your child’s transition into public school.

Help your child the best you can. Some things will not be within your control or your child’s control. But if will be okay. Help your child be flexible. Remember there is a period of adjustment and understand that your child may have some different behaviors until they adjust to their new school.

Kids usually adjust faster than adults think they well. Just give it time.

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