Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Marijuana Use During Pregnancy

Marijuana Use During Pregnancy

We all know how important it is for expectant mothers to be the healthiest they can be during pregnancy. Whether the pregnancy is planned or not to be healthy not only for themselves but also their unborn child is of utmost importance. Whatever a pregnant woman exposes her body to, also affects her unborn child. So, if during pregnancy a woman uses marijuana her unborn, developing baby also uses marijuana. The chemical THC found in marijuana can cross over the placenta very easily. So when the mother uses marijuana so does the baby growing inside of her.

We know that using pretty much any sort of drug, including over the counter drugs, and alcohol can cause damage to the baby growing inside of an expectant mother. Even smoking cigarettes during pregnancy can cause things like low birth weight and birth defects. So, using marijuana in any form can cause permanent damage to an unborn baby.

There isn’t much for long term effects of THC on babies, but what is known is that it can effect their brain development including their cognitive abilities. Like alcohol, marijuana use during pregnancy can cause many problems that will follow your baby throughout their life time.

What is known, is on a long term basis marijuana use during pregnancy can affect a child or an adult from a mental health perspective. Someone, who has had a mother who uses marijuana during pregnancy can develop a list of mental illness issues. They can have ADHD, depression and even addiction later in life for these babies born to mothers who used marijuana during pregnancy. 

It affects everything in a baby. Think of how a baby develops and grows in the mother and what could happen to a baby once they are born of a mother who used marijuana during pregnancy. Many studies say that one of the biggest issues is low birth weight and the baby spending time in the NICU. The problem is there is not much research to say what other things may happen or would happen to a baby whose mother used marijuana during their pregnancy. Researchers have yet to determine if how marijuana is used, smoked, eaten, or some other form has any effect on what happens to a baby.

Some women who used marijuana prior to becoming pregnant believe that marijuana will not affect their baby and some even have the feeling or belief that marijuana use while pregnant can actually help their baby. This is just not the case. The use of any drug can cause problems for an unborn baby. Just because a drug is “legal” does not make it safe. We know that alcohol has many effects on a baby and alcohol is legal.

Marijuana is something that is very controversial. Marijuana slows your thought process. It affects your brain. Marijuana effects what you do. You do get high. Yes, some pregnant women believe that it can help with morning sickness. But, your doctor can give you a medication that could help with morning sickness or nausea that is proven to be safe for you and your baby. There just isn’t enough known about the use of marijuana during pregnancy to be able to know that marijuana would not harm your baby or what it could do to your baby. 

­­­­­The end point being is that there is just not enough to make firm findings on marijuana and unborn babies. The problem with this comes that because there isn’t enough to go off from; that expecting mothers would continue to use marijuana believing that it would not harm their unborn baby. My thinking on this is, why risk it?

We know that alcohol, cigarettes, heroin, cocaine, or really any other drug can cause major harm to an unborn child, including too much caffeine. So, why run the risk? Why put yourself or your baby in harm’s way? Babies are so little and helpless, wouldn’t you as a mother want to do everything in your power to protect them?

I understand that for many people smoking marijuana in general is something that they enjoy and is part of their life on a regular basis. But, let’s look at that idea in general. Is smoking marijuana a healthy choice to begin with? Smoking marijuana is just not a good idea. Why? Well, you can become addicted for starters. It can lead to using other drugs that are just as harmful if not worse. It lowers your inhibitions and can make you vulnerable to harm whether at the hands of someone or you harming yourself in some way. It is along the same likes as getting drunk. You loose control of your thinking and the choices you make can be compromised to where you can be at risk of getting hurt whether intentionally or not.

I understand the need to relax and destress. But, if you need a chemical to do this then there is a bigger problem here. Being pregnant and not smoking marijuana because of being pregnant may be a good chance to learn some new coping skills to reduce your stress level. Finding a new outlet that is safer than using marijuana, I would think would be a good idea at this stage in your life.

The reason being is that as a new parent, you are going to be stressed. You are going to need to find ways of adjusting to having a tiny infant to take care of. This is a scary thing. So, the best way to handle it is to find some supports around you. Maybe even some new supports if what is around you are people that regularly use marijuana. So, finding a parenting group that have healthy members, making new friends, finding new ways of coping with stress in a healthy way so that as you go forward into parenthood you can handle it better.

Are you going to be the perfect parent? No, but I am thinking that you can function better without using marijuana. Using marijuana helps you relax, so what can you do instead that would help you relax? Take a look at your resources and see what you can do to not only improve your life but also the life of your baby. If you need help quitting marijuana use then find yourself a good counselor who can help you do this in a healthy way. You and your baby deserve it.

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